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In addition to caring for our plant collections, many hands are needed to keep everything running smoothly in the Botanic Garden:
Francesca Helfer (gardener):
“My work with endangered wild plants is a welcome challenge that continually teaches me a lot.”
The intermediate propagation of rare species of the Canton of Zurich requires special attention and patience, which Francesca Helfer has. At the moment 27 species are being propagated.
Nikola Repke (gardener):
“Preferably outside!”
The database has to be fed with correct information and the seed exchange with other botanical gardens has to be organised, for which Nikola Repke is responsible.
Michael Leutwyler (gardener):
“I like the versatility of my work; I am travelling on many paths, so to speak.”
Kurt Hofstetter (gardener)
The many green areas have to be cut regularly, the paths swept, the flyer boxes filled up and the display cases provided with announcements. Michael Leutwyler is responsible for this and Kurt Hofstetter for green space maintenance and composting.
Markus Meierhofer (gardener)
Rayko Jonas (gardener):
“The diversity in the research greenhouses comes less from the plants and more from the tasks. Here we support student interns through to professors in their experiments.”
Rayko Jonas and Markus Meierhofer take care of the research greenhouses.
experiments, for example, on pollination successes with primroses or plant-insect interactions with turnip rape and treacle-mustard.
The many potted plants that Markus Leibundgut looks after also need special care. Accuracy is what counts in research.