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Botanical Garden

Children in the Botanical Garden

Adventure garden

The adventure garden for children is hidden behind the trees between the garden plants for use and the medicinal herb garden. 3 stations offer children the opportunity to playfully explore botanical topics such as annual rings, wood weight and the roots of plants. Scents, flowers and leaf surfaces of plants can be explored at various locations. A barefoot trail over hill and dale invites you to explore. A covered area with tables and chairs offers space for a break and provides shelter from the rain.


Children's exhibition in the foyer of the tropical houses


Just behind the entrance to the tropical houses is an exhibition board for children. Every year a different theme is shown. This year it is "Tropical Spices".


Children's courses


Children's courses - wednesdays, 1x per month
For children from 6 to 10 years, we offer a course on different topics once a month on Wednesdays from 2.15 to 4 pm throughout the year.

Weiterführende Informationen

Orang-Utan Workshop

Orang-Utan-Workshop and Jungle Tour through the Botanical Garden (in German)

Children from 9-13 years

Kurs 1: 21th of Februar 9.45 am - 2 pm

Kurs 2: 21th of Februar 10.30 am - 2.45 pm

Registration from 4.1.2022 (-23.1.) at

stadt-zuerich ferienkurse


Children's brochure

Scharfe, süsse, bunte Gewürze
Price: 5 CHF
It is available for sale in the foyer or can be obtained from the library.

Kinderbroschüre Tropenbäume

Children's brochure

Tropenbäume und ihr Holz
Price: 5 CHF
It is available for sale in the foyer or can be obtained from the library.